Monday, February 28

That Thing on Your Back Is an Elephant, Part 1 of 2

I am stressed right now. Here I am, 29, my chest is tight and my resting heart rate is 96 beats per minute. Seriously, I just checked my pulse. I am sitting at a desk, typing and it is 96 without any pre-cardio. I know the source of my stress and it lies in a confrontation that needs confronting. There is even a good chance that the situation will be resolved. That's right, what I am stressing about will probably be resolved.

So why am I stressing? And maybe this is why you are stressing too?

1. Because I need to remember that I am not crazy. As a leader you will see things that perhaps others do not see or others do see but are not in a position to handle. If you see "it" and are in the position to do something about "it" then responsibility falls to you. You are not being self-righteous or arrogant if you take action to address what needs to be resolved.

2. Because it's going to hurt. There is a good chance someone is going to get hurt. Confrontation usually involves feelings and strong emotions. Bruising will incur and forgiveness may need to be asked for.

3. Because it needs to be done in love and not in anger, self-righteousness, pride, revenge or self-righteousness. Yes, I intentionally said self-righteousness twice. It is easy to approach a conflict for the wrong reasons and not with humility. Where my heart lies on this matter is very important. If I am doing it for the wrong reasons... well, then I should remove the plank out of my own eye (Jesus would say).

4. Because I need to be ready to hear the really hard stuff and go with it. If you are team player then you have to prepare to hear the very thing you don't want to hear and, more importantly, run with it.

If you enjoy conflict then you are weird. Or a reality TV show contestant or producer. If you care about people then you do not enjoy conflict because you know people may get hurt, including you.

What goes through you head when facing a tough confrontation?

1 comment:

  1. Now dear. You really need to handle stress better. Whatever will you do when you have an entire house full of my grandchildren? They are in fact a part of me so therefore they will be spirited and full of questions. :) You might want to take up yoga!!
